sábado, junio 25, 2005

Medios y nuevos medios: un par de citas

por Ramon

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Simon Hinde, editor de Yahoo Uk:
  1. " The revolution in news gathering and journalism is that there are no longer one or two institutions giving out information in a god-like fashion,"
  2. "Young people are leaving newspapers in droves because print news isn't trustworthy," he said.
  3. "Niche subjects are very well covered online because of semi-professional commentary. There are now mechanisms for blogs to be monetised and that is opening up a whole range of possibilities."
  4. "Newspapers don't know what is going to become of them,"
Vía el weblog de Jay Rosen, profesor de periodismo y comunicación, Universidad de Nueva York

"In a 2003 report, New Directions for News said, Journalism finds itself at a rare moment in history where ... its hegemony as gatekeeper of the news is threatened by not just new technology and competitors but, potentially, by the audience it serves." The professional imagination in Big Journalism wasn't prepared for this". (cursivas nuestras)